Flower tea health: different groups of people suitable for different herbal tea

The ancients had the cloud "top tea, the best drink." A pot of herbal tea is in hand, full of fragrance, and the mood in the hot weather is also quiet and distant. Herbal tea, compared with pure green tea and black tea, has a more comprehensive effect on beauty and health. Different flowers and plants are matched and brewed. It is a good thing for women. The bitter taste is clear, the sweet and sour appetizer, and the taste brought by the herbal tea is more complicated and changeable.

Common herbal tea flavors include: a single type of herbal tea, a combination of a variety of herbal teas, a blend of herbal teas with fruit, and flavored herbal teas with spices. Since herbal tea does not contain caffeine, and each kind of flower has its special effect, it is necessary to understand the flavor and efficacy of various herbal teas before purchase, and choose the herbal tea suitable for your own body according to individual needs.

It seems that the gentle flowers and plants are all medicinal, so there will be various effects. For example, roses have the effect of promoting blood circulation and beauty; chrysanthemum has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, improving eye pain; mint appetizing, helping digestion, alleviating stomach pain and headache and promoting metabolism. Therefore, it should be selected according to different seasons and different physiques. For example, roses have the function of promoting blood circulation, so pregnant women are hanged.

Recommended one: sunscreen mulberry green tea

In summer, the weather is hot, people consume a lot, sweating is much, it is easy to cause blood viscosity to increase, people are easy to feel tired. High blood viscosity causes a great load on the heart. Green tea has strong astringency and rich amino acid content, which can cool down and cool down. It is the best tea in summer. In fact, the benefits of green tea are far from the same. Chinese medicine believes that from the spring, human blood is transferred from the internal organs to the limbs. In the summer, all the qi and blood were transferred to the body surface, the yang was rising, and the inside was empty. "The imaginary place must be the place of disease." Green tea contains very rich catechins, which are bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, and improve the body's immunity.

It is good to drink more green tea in summer. Remember, light tea can be used. Don't rush too thick and drink too much. Although the content of caffeine in green tea is small, if it is too thick, too much theophylline, and too irritating, it is easy to cause headache and insomnia. In addition, do not drink green tea on an empty stomach, drink tea on an empty stomach, tea into the lungs, will cold spleen and stomach, is equal to "lead the wolf into the room", so since ancient times there is no drinking "hollow tea".

Green tea can be used as a basic tea, with other flowers and plants to brew a more special tea.

In the summer, the ultraviolet rays are strong, the sunscreen is done well, or it is easy to tan and sunburn. Mulberry green tea can help protect the sun.

System of law: mulberry leaves, green tea, a little, add a little rock sugar, boiled water. You can also add a little mint to make it cooler and more delicious. This tea is not only good for summer heat, but also has a whitening effect. It is not easy to tan, and freckles are common in summer. Freckles are generally deepened, but if you drink mulberry green tea, compared with previous years, It will be obvious that the freckles have not become deeper. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: mulberry leaves also have the role of rheumatism, strong bones and muscles, flat liver fire.

Recommended two: heat detoxification honeysuckle water

"There are vines, and they are born of non-ethnic species. The silver buds between the golden flowers and the cypresses are clustered." The aromatic honeysuckle is an ancient Chinese medicine, and enjoys the reputation of “the little god of medicine shop”. The motherland medical records, honeysuckle is cold and sweet, sweet and cold, not to hurt the stomach, aromatic penetration can be evil; can not only spread wind and heat, but also clear heat and detoxification, can treat various thermal diseases, such as body heat, rash , hair spots, hot poisonous phlegm, sore throat and heat toxic blood stasis, etc., the effect is significant.

Method: Take 50 grams of honeysuckle, add 500 ml of water, soak for half an hour, then simmer first, then simmer for 15 minutes, pour out the medicinal juice, add water simmer, take two decocting juice, and then put the medicinal juice together. Put it in the refrigerator and put it in the refrigerator. When you make a tea drink, if you add a little orange peel, it is sweet and fragrant, and it can be used as a health drink for summer clothes. It is a good product for heat and heat.

Recommended three: blood and nourishing rose

Rose is not only synonymous with romance, but also a very good medicine for both medicine and food. As early as 2,000 years ago, China began to use roses to treat diseases, especially in terms of beauty, and it is widely used. The use of roses in China is not only used for beauty, but also has a wide range of applications in terms of treatment and health. For example, "Materia Medica Renewal" says that roses can "slow the spleen and spleen and reduce the fire. In the middle of cold pain, stomach cramps and cold, and can break the blood."

The "Food Materia Medica" says that the rose has the effect of "mainly benefiting the lungs and spleen, benefiting the liver and gallbladder, creating evil spirits, and eating sweet and fragrant, refreshing". In addition, "Quanzhou Materia Medica" believes that roses can treat diseases such as "pulmonary disease, cough, blood, vomiting blood, hemoptysis". "Compendium of Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "The rose is pure and fragrant and tastes light, and it can calm the liver and nourish the stomach and widen the chest." "Jin's Medicine Sticker" believes that the rose dew has the effect of "specializing liver and stomach qi" .

Purple rose can help metabolism, detoxification, slimming, and endocrine adjustment. It is most suitable for women who are obese due to endocrine disorders. Pink roses and jasmine are combined to make a slimming effect. Among them, jasmine can improve drowsiness and anxiety, and it is also effective for chronic stomach diseases and menstrual disorders.

The best way to embody the beauty of roses is the rose flower.

Method: First, choose 50 grams of rose buds, wash the dried rose buds, set aside, and divide into 3 times to cook. For the first time, put about 500 ml of water in the pot, put a small spoonful of washed roses into the pot, cook over low heat, and cook until the rose buds change color, then pick it up. The second time is to put in a new flower bud, cook it to change color, and then fish it up. Repeat this way until the water in the pot has only one bowl, and the color is very deep, and it can be turned off. Finally, the beautiful rosette is poured into a glass bottle and it is made. After the rose flower is finished, it is best to put it in the refrigerator and bonfire. This rose flower can be used both internally and externally. When taking it internally, it can be brewed directly with boiling water. It can also be seasoned with sugar or honey. After taking it, it can play a role in nourishing the blood and nourishing the face. When used externally, after washing your face and cleansing, you can use the rose dew to pat the skin, and also have the effect of whitening the skin.

Recommended four: refreshing appetizing lotus leaf drink

The lotus leaf has the effect of clearing the heat and dampness, the hawthorn has the effect of digesting and strengthening the stomach, and the rice kernel is beneficial to the swelling of the water, the spleen and the heat, the three ingredients are put together, the scent is appetizing, not only can eliminate heat and relieve heat, but also spleen Appetizing. Especially in hot weather, there is a lot of benefit in brewing a pot.

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