Why does the waterproof project say "The warranty does not guarantee leakage?"

The construction law provides that the waterproofing project has a warranty period of five years. That is, leakage is found within five years after the project is completed and plugged by the constructor. This system did not play a role in improving the quality of waterproofing projects, but it also left loopholes for illegal people.
(1) The word "warranty" means that it can be leaked at any time. 'Leaked to repair it. 'Open the door to leakage.
(2) You can leak at any time after completion. Yesterday's acceptance, you can miss it today and repair it for you anyway. Because the construction law does not stipulate the time limit for leakage, it is just the warranty period. Whatever is leaked after five years does not matter.
(3) Because there is no time limit for leakage, you can cut corners, you can shoddy, sloppy construction, when leakage, when repairs, reducing the quality of waterproofing projects, but also for the sale of counterfeit waterproof materials.
(4) There are many reasons for the leakage of the house. Perhaps the waterproof design is unreasonable. Perhaps the waterproof material is shoddy, and even the owner is willing to use some kind of material. Do not investigate the cause of the leak, as long as the leak to find the construction side. Because the construction party pushes it in every possible way, it cannot be solved for several years.