Closed loop recycling of plastic bottles in the UK

Closed loop recycling of plastic bottles

ClosedLoopRecycling recently held a show called “Closed Loop Recycling” in Dagenham, East London. Politicians from around the world who are concerned about the fight against climate change participated in this unprecedented exhibition and witnessed the recovery of Closed Loop Recycling. Waste plastic bottles made of food packaging materials, to achieve the myth of resisting global warming.
The exhibition was sponsored by the British Parliament of the Federal Parliamentary Association (CPA UK). A delegation of 20 environmentalists from across the country visited the technology show. Closed Loop Recycling has recovered 35,000 tons so far. PET and HDPE plastic bottles are converted into raw materials to make new food and beverage packaging. Through this process, they reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 52,500 tons per year. And these environmentalists are the magic process. witness.

Chris Dow, director of ClosedLoopRecycling, said: “We are very pleased to partner with CPA UK to organize this tour and show how our equipment is working to show the concept of “closed loop recycling” to the most influential people in the world. It has a huge impact on fighting environmental changes."

"Closed Loop Recycling" is proud of ClosedLoopRecycling. It has made positive contributions to the country and even the world in resisting the greenhouse effect, making the transition to a low-carbon economy.