Clean and thoughtful paint wall articles

In the household cleaning, the cleaning and maintenance of the wall is also a problem that can not be ignored. Many owners choose to paint on the wall, and the latex paint is particularly popular. Although the white is clean and beautiful, it is also easy to get dirty, and the back cleaning is particularly time-consuming. Therefore, maintenance is particularly important. Today, Xiao Bian gave everyone a look at the cleaning and maintenance knowledge of the painted wall.

First, the advantages and disadvantages of the painted wall

Affordable, clean and simple is the main feature of the painted wall, and is currently the primary choice for home wall decoration. However, brushed walls are more vulnerable to damage than tiles and wallpapers, but repairs are easy. Take a look at their cleaning and maintenance methods.

Second, general stain cleaning

Once the painted wall is found to be stained on the wall, it must be erased in time. For the water resistant wall, it can be scrubbed directly with a cloth. After washing, it can be dry with a dry towel. The water-resistant wall can be wiped with an eraser or cleaned with a towel. Wipe gently after wringing.

Wall paint

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