Healing pillow for the home to choose a "soft baby"

If you want to have a warm and comfortable home, you will have to hold your pillow. The warmth of pillows conveys warmth. In addition to the visual experience of color patterns, the feel of fabrics is also very important. Silky satin and cotton velvet can give people a soft touch, just choose according to personal preference and seasonal changes. Today, we recommend several healing pillows for everyone, whether it is a country style, zakka style or simple style, you can find a soft baby for yourself.

Someone is in love with pillows not only because it can decorate the bedroom, but also because it can show personality. Today's pillow is no longer confined to the quadrangular square shape, round, long, animal, cartoon, more and more models can capture different personality factors. In the color modeling also incorporate more whimsy, embroidery, beads, feathers, beads, tassels, ribbons and even the application of the stone, so that a small pillow into a full of personality sprite. Although it is only a small accessory, it is easy to lock the eyeballs. Even ordinary furniture may change the monotony due to the addition of several pillows.

Rustic style decoration

Immersed in the embrace of big flower pillows

The rustic style is one of the most rugged styles that urbanites love, and the country-style fabric drapery is a very important element of use in the country style. Therefore, if your home is in a country style, then you will certainly be able to find a country-style pillow. In terms of suitability, the monochromatic block pillows are not quite able to set off the rustic style, and the various flower plants, exotic exoticism and live bird and fish patterns are the first choices for the country style. Of course, this also depends on it. Comfortable and casual.

Recommended Products:

Hand hook daisies pillow

Price: 79.9 yuan

Chinese village retro pillow

Price: 55 yuan

The use of floral pillows is also very important for the country style. Broad-leaved or more male-style green plants are not suitable for country-style pillows. Gypsophila, lavender, rosemary, daisies, Chinese rose, rose and other plant species plus some natural foliage will reflect the rural atmosphere. Whether it is a Chinese village or an American country, it is just a matter of reflecting the free and unrestrained feeling.

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