There are five ways to prevent the roots of vegetables in the greenhouse

Root vegetables in the seedling stage are a physiological disease , mostly caused by improper management. At the beginning of the hair, there were rust spots in the roots. In severe cases, the roots rotted, the new roots did not grow, the seedlings became yellow and wilted, and all died later. The authors compiled the following five methods to prevent the roots of the greenhouse seedlings.

Pay attention to increase lighting

Before raising seedlings, it is necessary to choose a place with sufficient light to build a seedbed. This is conducive to the robust growth and development of seedlings, enhance their disease resistance, and reduce the occurrence or spread of roots in vegetable seedlings.

Applying farmyard manure

For vegetable seedlings, it is necessary to increase the application of farmyard manure, especially hot fertilizer, which can not only fertilize soil fertility, cultivate strong seedlings, improve the disease resistance of vegetable seedlings, but also increase the ground temperature and reduce the occurrence of diseases. The specific practice is: before vegetable seedlings, Mix the fully decomposed hot farmyard manure with the bed soil. However, it is necessary to use decomposed hot farmyard fertilizer, otherwise it will cause root burning.

Timely ventilation

After the cotyledons are unfolded, choose a warm and sunny weather to uncover the ventilation of the cover, and evenly apply a layer of fine dry soil to the seedbed, and then cover the cover tightly, which can reduce the humidity of the bed soil and have a certain temperature increase effect.

Maintain proper temperature

Bed soil preparation should be reasonable, and sufficient soil temperature should be ensured after sowing to seedling stage. In case of rainy weather, when the light is insufficient, measures should be taken to increase the temperature and keep warm. In early spring, it is best to use an electric hotbed to raise seedlings in the shed (room) to facilitate heat preservation.

Reduce humidity in time

When raising seedlings in protected areas such as greenhouses or greenhouses, the general seedbeds are not obviously dry (when the topsoil is not held), watering should not be done, and watering should not be done as much as possible; the amount of watering should not be too large when the drought is obvious. In the seedbed, do not wet, if the seedbed is too dry, it can cover the moist fine soil, which can alleviate the water demand of the seedlings, and can reduce the air humidity in the seedbed. The humidity in the bed is too large and can cover the hay ash. Ventilation and dehumidification can also be carried out at noon at higher temperatures.

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