Four herbicides affect post-crop crops

1. Puschte. Pu Shite is a long-acting herbicide. It applies 5 grams of Pu Shite per acre. It is not suitable to grow wheat, alfalfa and peas within 4 months. It is not suitable to grow barley or tobacco within 9 months. It is not suitable for 10 months. Cotton, sorghum, corn, and potatoes; short beets should not be grown within 40 months.

2. Guangling spirit. For every acre of 40-90 grams of active ingredient, it is not suitable for planting rice, corn, cotton, tobacco, pepper and cucurbit crops within 9 months after application; all crops can be planted after 16 months. At present, it is generally recommended that chlorpheniramine is mixed with other drugs, which has little effect on the crops.

3. Quickly kill bismuth (quinclorac). Generally, in addition to rice within 300 days after the application of fast killing, no crops can be planted; eggplant and tobacco cannot be planted within 12 months; carrots and tomatoes cannot be planted within 2 years. In addition, umbelliferous plants such as celery coriander and carrot are very sensitive to fast killing.

4. Broad grass clear. This herbicide degrades rapidly in alkaline soils and degrades slowly in acidic soils. Generally, short beet, cotton and other crops cannot be planted in the field of broad-leaved grass for 2 years.
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