Tips for fertilizing crops after floods

After the flood, the growth of the crops and the soil properties are affected to some extent. Therefore, both the flooded crops and the newly transplanted or planted crops have different fertilization rates and fertilization methods.

For crops with short soaking time, lighter damage and promising harvest, urea can be applied 5 to 7.5 kg per mu after flooding to promote its growth. In the late stage of crop growth, foliar fertilization can also be applied to spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. The concentration of late rice can be controlled from 0.1% to 0.2%, generally 50-75 kg per acre of paddy field; cotton can be simultaneously A certain amount of urea is added, and its concentration can be controlled at about 1%. Due to the delayed growth and development of late rice after flooding, in order to ensure safe panicle before the cold dew, you can spray gibberellin (ie 920) as needed, and the concentration is 2 to 3 grams of Gibberella per ton of water. Alternatively, first dissolve 3 to 3 grams of gibberellin with 10 kg, and then dilute to the above concentration to promote its head and early maturity.

The principle of fertilization for autumn-sown crops after the disaster is as follows: the appropriate amount of application can be controlled at 1/3 to 1/2 of normal years. The base fertilizer can be considered to use compound fertilizer, the amount of which can be controlled at 25-40 kg/mu, and the topdressing can be used for manure or urea.

Appropriately topdressing, avoid excessive fertilization must determine the amount of fertilizer according to the growth of the crop, the general human and animal excrement consumption is controlled at 500 kg / mu, urea is controlled at 5 kg / mu.

Heavy base fertilizer, light topdressing can consider 80% to 90% of the total fertilizer used as the base fertilizer, leaving only a small part as top dressing, especially nitrogen fertilizer should be more so as to avoid excessive application of nitrogen in the late stage, resulting in late harvest and loss of harvest or Affecting timely planting of the next season crop.

Adjusting the application ratio of NPK can increase the proportion of nitrogen fertilizer application, but it is mainly based on base fertilizer, and its application rate should be controlled at about 1/2 of the previous year, and the maximum should not exceed 2/3 of the annual dosage.

In the later stage of the late spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, the spraying of 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution may be sprayed 1 to 3 times, and the spraying interval is about 1 week to improve the cold resistance of the crop and promote its early maturity and high yield.

(Wu Yili, Shouguang City, Shandong Province)
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