You think that green decoration may not be environmentally friendly!

More and more people are pursuing environmental protection and health in decoration, but due to a lack of professional knowledge, it is easy to “misguide” during the renovation, thinking that the decoration materials are not tasteful, that is, environmental protection and pollution-free, then what will be considered real What about environmental protection? What are the errors in environmental protection decoration? Xiao Bian gave you today.

First, national regulatory compliance materials are equivalent to environmental protection materials

The compliance materials are not free from harmful substances but only within the limits. The more categories of decoration materials, the more the individual items may exceed the standard. The degree of emission of harmful gases is closely related to the temperature. Air conditioning in winter or summer will greatly affect the distribution of harmful gases.

Second, decoration odor ventilation months just fine

This is a typical palliative method. Harmful gases generally have incubation periods. Under normal circumstances, the incubation period of benzene is more than half a year, the incubation period of toluene and xylene is more than one year, and the incubation period of formaldehyde, which is the most dangerous, can reach 3-15 years (related to decoration process and room temperature). This is far from a problem that can be solved by ventilation for several months. The best practice is to do a full range of comprehensive governance.

Third, placing a lot of green plants in new homes can remove pollution

Green plants do have absorption of certain harmful gases, but their effects are limited. And there are two things to keep in mind: First, the photosynthesis of plants only occurs during the day and at night it is like the human body inhaling oxygen to exhale carbon dioxide, and most people go home to sleep at night; The air is about 20KG, which is equivalent to the air weight of 52 ordinary rooms of 100 square meters. The green plants placed at home can absorb very few harmful gases one day, but how much CO2 is exhaled is very much!

Fourth, no odor pollution was detected

What you don't know is that the smell of harmful gas is enough to make you unknowingly poisoned. When the formaldehyde is less than 3 times of the standard, it usually smells no pungent odor. When the odor is smelled, it has exceeded the standard by 4 to 8 times. This harm is self-evident. In air-conditioned rooms, the air will not circulate, and harmful substances will accumulate in more and more damage. In addition, everyone reacts differently to harmful substances such as formaldehyde.

New home environmental protection

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